
Photo by 7inchs on

I lost myself in the ocean of my thoughts,

My eyes drifting toward the horizon.

The ebb and flow lulled me to wisdom

While I picked up flotsam to store away for later.

There’s no train to take me from one thought to another,

And I’m not sure if there’s even a boat anymore,

Just weightless bobbing around 

Until someone draws me onto a lifeboat of conversation,

And I show them the trinkets I’ve collected

Until I clamor off in search of other treasures.

King of the Islands

Photo by UMUT DAu011eLI on

I would burn down the world for you

My passion blazing so everyone can see,

But you want to be swept off to sea,

The tide taking you out

So I can’t get you back.

I would be a tree growing for you,

Having your birdsong fill my whole being,

But you want to be a kite,

Chasing the wind, 

Hoping it doesn’t let you down.

I would build a castle for you,

The steadfast rock that you claim to need,

But you seek out the fields to run in.

They have no shelter,

And you pray the lightning doesn’t find you.

So my passion turns to stone,

But it doesn’t build a castle.

And my tree roots die to frost

That no birdsong seeks to warm.

And my stronghold falls to ruin

Where the rubble waits dead.

Fairy-Tale Love

Photo by Pixabay on

I inhabit the fairytale love,

Not the kind composed solely of passion

As each person burns up before it’s begun,

But of a slow-burning love,

The ember that is offered, regardless of mutuality.

I desire the fairytale love.

It’s pure and simple and sweet,

Only burning when the time is right,

Never waking before the prince comes,

Then rising with the sun on my face.

I still seek for the fairytale love,

One of dedication and chivalry

Where both parties respect one another,

Understanding that’s where true love comes,

Living happily in their commitment to each other.

Ode to College Studentry

Photo by Kaboompics .com on

It’s 3 AM conversations,

A pocket full of daisies,

Coffee grounds in a notebook,

And pictures on a string.

It’s a painful relationship

Spilled onto happy best friends

So they can vibe in the friendzone

Until one of them reflects.

It’s flip-flops in the bathroom

And sleeping in till 10

Just because it’s the weekend

And the problems wait untill Monday.

It’s laughter with friends,

Weird stories to tell later,

And bittersweet goodbyes

Until we see each other again.

Window Friend

Photo by Elisa Giaccaglia on

I trace your face amidst the drops,

Your pink cheeks popping out against the grey.

You’re like a witch with root-brown eyes

Shining in the rain, parting my lips.

I can’t help but feel you close

While you stay in your world of rain and glass.

Scribbles and Coins

Photo by Pixabay on

My heart feels like a waste paper basket.

It’s not innocent. 

It’s messy and crumpled and torn up in some places. 

And people keep writing on the pieces I’m trying to recover 

So I can’t even tell what was there before.

And some people help

But you can’t erase permanent marker.

My heart feels like a fortune cookie.

I’m a little stale nowadays.

People come to me for advice or future plans

But none of those plans involve me, nor is my advice taken.

They break me for my secrets that I give willingly

While they don’t understand I’m a gift myself,

But it’s hard to believe that while I lay disguarded on the table.

My heart feels like a piggie bank.

I can be noisy.

But nothing compares to the noise of me shattering

Because someone thought it was smart to break me for two cents.

Now my pain is at my edges, biting people.

And someone tries to glue me together, and they get hurt too.

But you can still see my porcelain smile.

The Work of the Spirit

Photo by Octavian Iordache on

Sometimes, we feel suppressed, 

Like our heart is being shoved inside a tissue box

By forces beyond our control 

Or anyone’s comprehension. 

Sometimes, we feel like a sun,

Blazing with power and passion

In ways the dark can’t understand

Or fight against.

Sometimes, we feel content,

Like the breeze in springtime

That whispers in the rain

And everything heals.

Sometimes, we feel peace,

The utmost joy filling our hearts

Only eclipsed by the One

Who paid dearly for it.

Sometimes, we feel sorrow,

The tsunamis passing through God’s people

To force them to share and reach out

For other hurting people too.

But sometimes, we feel whole

With every feeling wrapped together

Confusing us with joy and sorrow,

Fighting against the dark to bring peace.


Photo by Milad Farhani on

There is a peace in talking with someone,

But not just someone,

As some someones just do not do,

But with a Child of God 

Who answers in peace and understanding,

Who listens first as Christ commanded,

Who shares some insight to the problem,

Or who comforts by just being there.

These little beacons that God has set,

There among us, sometimes being us,

To shout the peace of God across our storms,

To intercede to the Father on our behalf,

To be the comfort through the Comforter to our soul.

So that even in the storm,

Those beacons point us to the Storm-silencer

Who wraps us in His arms

While we’re battered by the waves.


Photo by u015eeyhmus u00c7aku0131rtau015f on

You hurt me.

My battered heart hangs

From the weapons of your words,

My tears dragging behind you

To start the concrete around my soul.

I will never let you in again.

I see no point in that.

Yet, I pray for you,

These tears line the pages

As I write notes to the Interceder

For He holds the hearts,

Each slimy and seeping in His hands.

Once, I hurt Him,

So He knows the pain of betrayal.

So my prayers are not empty,

So my tears are not selfishly fake.

And His love is teaching me

I can love past the pain.

Midnight and Morning

My pale darkness stretches on,

The only light coming from my cold, reflective grin.

Sure, the stars wink out their light,

But they’re like me–distant, unreachable.

The scurry sounds of mice and bats

Fill my aching silence,

Flooding my voice with quiet chaos.

A child cries in the night,

Still I continue,

Solitary and robust.

But then I hear your whisper,

As the fox sniffs out of its den,

As the early bird pecks the ground for worms.

You see my grin, and you blush,

It’s so beautiful that I’m warmed.

My voiceless cacophony grows still

As you stretch your way through.

You’re not as long as I am,

But your short stay impacts me so

That I hold your hand 

As you walk me back to tomorrow.

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