Ode to College Studentry

Photo by Kaboompics .com on Pexels.com

It’s 3 AM conversations,

A pocket full of daisies,

Coffee grounds in a notebook,

And pictures on a string.

It’s a painful relationship

Spilled onto happy best friends

So they can vibe in the friendzone

Until one of them reflects.

It’s flip-flops in the bathroom

And sleeping in till 10

Just because it’s the weekend

And the problems wait untill Monday.

It’s laughter with friends,

Weird stories to tell later,

And bittersweet goodbyes

Until we see each other again.


Photo by Milad Farhani on Pexels.com

There is a peace in talking with someone,

But not just someone,

As some someones just do not do,

But with a Child of God 

Who answers in peace and understanding,

Who listens first as Christ commanded,

Who shares some insight to the problem,

Or who comforts by just being there.

These little beacons that God has set,

There among us, sometimes being us,

To shout the peace of God across our storms,

To intercede to the Father on our behalf,

To be the comfort through the Comforter to our soul.

So that even in the storm,

Those beacons point us to the Storm-silencer

Who wraps us in His arms

While we’re battered by the waves.


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You hurt me.

My battered heart hangs

From the weapons of your words,

My tears dragging behind you

To start the concrete around my soul.

I will never let you in again.

I see no point in that.

Yet, I pray for you,

These tears line the pages

As I write notes to the Interceder

For He holds the hearts,

Each slimy and seeping in His hands.

Once, I hurt Him,

So He knows the pain of betrayal.

So my prayers are not empty,

So my tears are not selfishly fake.

And His love is teaching me

I can love past the pain.

No Home

Photo by Mat Brown on Pexels.com

When I was ten,

We moved again,

For what I thought

Was the last time.

I remember thinking:

We’re finally returning;

We’re going home!

I remember the trip.

But two years ago,

Came the news of another:

I lose my best friend

And home I’d made for years.

So I created a home,

Not just buildings 

Nor dust mites this time,

We’re a family bound traditionally.

Yet that too fades,

And again I’m left

Homeless, broken,

Brainless, deadened.

I know life isn’t easy,

And we’re to be like Christ,

But I can’t help feeling that

This wasn’t what He meant.

Did He mean we’d be alone,

He says He’ll never leave;

So why is my heart cracking,

And my soul wanders the earth?

How God Moves

Photo by konat umut budak on Pexels.com

I can ask for all serenity,

To be floating on a cloud, 

But God teaches peace

He doesn’t just give it in a second.

I can pray to live in my dreams,

Having my memories fill my waking,

But God has already taught me 

All I can learn from those moments.

I can ask for all the answers,

My future told before its time,

But God knows I will not understand

If I can’t witness it for myself.

God uses experience and time

To teach me about His love,

As my heart is growing toward Him,

I find the answers to everything else.

Letter to TG

Photo by Sides Imagery on Pexels.com

I am sorry I had to stop writing,

But I have never stopped praying.

It might seem that I hate you,

But my heart still hurts with my affection.

You might think I have forgotten you,

But you haunt my dreams and messages.

I have the notes from when we met.

They seemed like simpler times,

Naivety does that to a person.

You always deserved so much more,

Losing me might have been a blessing 

I wish I truly knew.

I hope you’re okay now.


Photo by ready made on Pexels.com

How quickly goes three years!

Are memories really tears?

If I caught them in a vial,

Would the histories make me smile?

Do the heartbeats start the rhythm

While the tears starburst the prism;

While their whispers sing the lullabye;

While my hands are clicking goodbye?

And that simple little trash can

Makes my inbox be spick and span.

Still My Mum

Photo by Carol Lemos on Pexels.com

I sip the cider you handed me

After we both dug out my car,

A little bit early to make sure we had enough time,

While the snow peetered out around us.

You insisted you help me;

You insisted I have something warm to drink;

You insisted I go back inside cause I’m sick.

I’ve been an adult for a while now,

But I know it’s wise to give you this,

This little bit of time when you’re “Mommy” again,

Just like when I was little,

In a time when I didn’t have to go to work soon,

Back when being a princess was my job

Or saving the galaxy with my lightsaber

Or both because I wanted everything at once. 

I stare at you now,

Also sipping at your hot cocoa,

And understand this is how you love.

November Showers Bring White Flowers

Photo by Skyler Ewing on Pexels.com

I cuddle into my book,

The rain reminding me of Spring,

The air smelling of Autumn,

The cold biting of Winter,

The book bringing memories of summer.

In my home, I am safe.

No snow-drifts float around me now,

But the world holds its breath

And the weatherman predicts

Wednesday brings the uniquities,

The flurry flowers that float to the earth.

Little Sad Rain Storm

Photo by Perry Wunderlich on Pexels.com

If my cries were your rainstorm,

Would you then see my tears?

If my heart was your thunder,

Would you then hear my voice?

If my hurt was your lightning,

Would you feel my pain?

If my freedom was the wind,

Would you notice the clouds stay put?

If my smile was your sunshine,

Would you notice that it’s gone?

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